Mission Économique & Commerciale en Europe Centrale et Orientale

OIPA Legume Fructe Romania - Organisation Interprofessionnelle Legumes Fruits Roumanie

Type d'organisation


Site Internet


Objectifs de la structure

OIPA PRODCOM's mission is to enable and lead the produce industry by enhancing the market and facilitating trade of fresh fruits and vegetables for its members. At an internal level, OIPA protects the interests of its members in a competitive economy. OIPA is 3200 members strong.

Priorité 1

EXPORT - Recherche de clients directs

Priorité 1 - autre

EXPORT- Search for agents

Priorité 2

AUTRE - Création de co-entreprise / partenaire industriel

Priorité 2 - Autre

Open to proposals in production/

Priorité 3

IMPORT - Achat d’équipement/machines

Priorité 3 - Autre

Import and distribution of agricultural machinery for our members.