Mission Économique & Commerciale en Europe Centrale et Orientale

Butufei Consulting


Innovating in a natural way, Doctor Tom's mission is to provide access to healthcare and continuing care. To you. To your baby. To your company. Only the best is good enough for you! We innovate together in a healthy natural way 📌 With proven experience in Healthcare Management & Consulting, Project Management & Marketing Strategy, my mission is to help your business to think different 🕶 📌 https://doctortom.ro/corporate/Innovating in a natural way, Doctor Tom's mission is to provide access to healthcare and continuing care. To you. To your baby. To your company. Only the best is good enough for you! We innovate together in a healthy natural way 📌 With proven experience in Healthcare Management & Consulting, Project Management & Marketing Strategy, my mission is to help your business to think different 🕶 📌 https://doctortom.ro/corporate/

Type d'organisation


Site Internet


Nombre d’employé(e)s


Priorité 1

EXPORT - Recherche de clients directs

Priorité 2

AUTRE - Possibilités d'investissement en Roumanie

Priorité 3

EXPORT - Recherche de clients directs