Mission Économique & Commerciale en Europe Centrale et Orientale

Session: "Doing business in Romania

Mar 28, 2024 | 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Salle C.A. Rosetti (Rdc)


Introduction: Mr Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ, Vice-President of the Romanian Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade Moderator: Mr Luca NICULESCU, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Speakers: - Mr Rareș-Ștefan BURLACU, President of the Romanian Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade - Ms Teodora KOLETSIS, Partner, GRUIA DUFAUT law firm - Mrs Ana Maria PARASCHIV, Consultant WISE FINANCE SOLUTIONS - Mr Francesco ZACCHETTI, Romania Manager ADECCO - Ms Corina VULPES, Director of Institutional Relations EXIM BANCA ROMÂNEASCA Q&A session