Mission Économique & Commerciale en Europe Centrale et Orientale

Main conference "La Francophonie économique: an asset for Romania and other Central and Eastern European countries in international economic exchanges"

Mar 27, 2024 | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Salle C.A. Rosetti (Rdc)


Moderator: Mr Ovidiu NAHOI, RFI Romania journalist High-Level Panel : - Video message from Mr Mathias CORMANN, OECD Secretary-General - Ms Florence BRILLOUIN, Director of the Francophonie économique et numérique, OIF - Mr. Rareș-Ștefan BURLACU, President of the Romanian Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade - Mr Lucian RUS, Secretary of State, Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism - Mr Karl BLACKBURN, President of the Conseil du Patronat du Québec