Mission Économique & Commerciale en Europe Centrale et Orientale

Visit Agro-industry Group, Company: Cris-Tim

Mar 29, 2024 | 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Company : Cris-Tim

Cris-Tim is a family business founded in 1992. Today, the company is one of Romania's leading manufacturers of charcuterie, ready meals and dairy products. Its name is a benchmark for quality. It is characterized by the integration of its value chain, from dairy production to the processing of products, sold in Romania and in almost twenty countries around the world! Website: https://cristim.ro/en/ Dress Code: Closed-toe shoes Directions: Crist Tim Mugura, Poligonului Street, Boldești-Scăieni, Prahova County Contacts: OIF: Nicoleta LEGARE, nicoleta.legare@ftrancophonie.org, +40 723 369 919
Cris Tim: Ana Maria BĂJAN, secretariat@cristim.ro, +40 722 402 903