Mission Économique & Commerciale en Europe Centrale et Orientale

Official opening session of the Economic Forum

Mar 27, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Salle C.A. Rosetti (Rdc)


Speeches : - Message from His Excellency Mr. Klaus IOHANNIS, President of Romania, delivered by Mr. Sergiu NISTOR, Presidential Advisor - His Excellency Nicolae CIUCĂ, President of the Senate - Message from His Excellency Mr Marcel CIOLACU, Prime Minister of Romania, delivered by Mrs Ruxandra IVAN, State Councillor - Her Excellency Mrs Luminița ODOBESCU, Minister of Foreign Affairs - Madame Caroline ST-HILAIRE, OIF Administrator Master of Ceremonies: Mr. Eric POPPE, OIF Representative for Central and Eastern Europe