Mission Économique & Commerciale en Europe Centrale et Orientale

Dateligens Systems SRL


Dateligens Systems is a deeptech startup based in Bucharest specialized in Data Security. We are developing a software platform called DAP Software Suite (aka "Dateligens Anonymization Platform") for massive data flows anonymization, tokenization, k-anonymization, encryption. Data can structured, unstructured, images, videos. We are leveraging AI/ML, NLP/NER, Big Data/Spark/Scala, Quantum-Resistant encryption algorithms, FPGA hardware acceleration, infra-as-code to provide a unique technology to our customers. Our mission, Data Security (Tokenization at Rest & in Transit), Ransomware protection (Business Continuity, Encryption & Data Leakage Detection, Risk Analysis & Remediation), Data Convergence & Governance, Compliance with national regulations in terms of data privacy (not only in Europe with GDPR, NIS, NIS2 but worldwide). Our team is composed of 11 people (founders, development/r&d team, business development team for France, Romania, Africa, UAE/Middle East markets). We have closed with a first investor called KMCe4U, a french company specialized in R&D Credit Tax, an investment with a post-money valutation of 2.5 Meuros. Dateligens has been accelerated by InnovX-BCR, the accelerator of BCR bank (Erste group) and has received the UK Embassy Award in May 2023. Dateligens is partner of Microsoft for Startups and UIPath. DAP Software Suite will be launched on Azure MarketPlace and UIpath MarketPlace in 2024

Type of organization


Site Internet


Number of employees


Priority 1

EXPORT - Search for direct customers

Priority 2

OTHER - Search for investors/financial partners

Priority 3

OTHER - Specify :

Priority 3 - Other

Sensibiliser la protection des données personnelles en Afrique