Mission Économique & Commerciale en Europe Centrale et Orientale

Groupe Pépite d'Or Azowenongboya


We manufacture and market nutritional and dietetic products for adults and babies. Our products are gluten-free and natural nutritional and dietary biscuits, vegetable protein granules, soybean oil, soy milk, toning juices, infant flours, nutritional flours for adults including a formula for people diabetics as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women, convalescent and elderly people.

Type of organization


Site Internet


Number of employees


Priority 1

EXPORT - Search for agents / distributors

Priority 2

OTHER - Specify :
IMPORT - Purchase of equipment/machinery
____ IMPORT ____

Priority 2 - Other

importation de lait infantile et lait en vrac

Priority 3

OTHER - Search for investors/financial partners