Mission Économique & Commerciale en Europe Centrale et Orientale

Agenția Română pentru Investiții și Comerț Exterior


A structure with legal personality within the government work apparatus, the Romanian Agency for Investments and Foreign Trade operates under the authority of the Prime Minister and is financed from the state budget, through the budget of the General Secretariat of the Government. The attributions, organization and functioning of the Romanian Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade are established by Law no. 73/2023 for the approval of Emergency Government Ordinance no. 147/2022 concerning the creation, organization and functioning of the Romanian Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade, as well as for the modification of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 43/2017 relating to the creation, organization and operation of agencies for small and medium-sized businesses, investment attraction and export promotion.

Type of organization


Objectives of the structure

Export promotion Attraction of foreign investment